lundi 17 septembre 2012

Love Relation-ship? Oh, you mean Relation-shit?

Well; i ain't the one who had like 3 ex-es or any kind of old school play boys, its just the fact that i loved 3 girls in my life, i screwed up with each one of them ending up with a girl that i've never loved but realizing how much it's important to pretend to be loving someone but not loving him/her.

I never had a Non Moroccan girlfriend, or a girl who has some family issues, or another one dropped out from school and needs a place to stay, all of them the same: A school girl. How fucked up is that? it's too absurd that i wish i had a girl who cheats on me.. You realize how cool it would be? it's like i'm going to put all of her photos on facebook, get some 100.00 likes, maybe if i got a chance with her i'd share her videos in Youtube or stuff like that. Cause i really hate the drama that every single boy puts in cases like those, "I never thought you'd cheat on my behind!", "I'm really upset but i still Love you so much!"? this is crap seriously. The best way to have your revenge from a girl who made a big sick mistake with you is making a bigger mistake with her; 50 fucking 50.

But to pretend to be friendly, i wanna make a change that will never change them, i mean the boys. In my city, well, every boy thinks that a girl is a goddess, and every girl thinks she's a goddess but can't use it though.. So its like "Yo i bought new Beyoncé record, u should hear it!" "U sick bro? i got it from Youtube*mp3 Converter, sorry u pissed!". Well they ain't the same, i just made that stuff to make things more funny.

Anyway, the point is: Why the boy is taking things too much seriously? a girl is a free soul, a boy soul unchained in a woman body. I bet every single Moroccan girl wants to dress up good, make boys "WET", doing whatever they like since they're young and wild. But the religion stuff makes it semi-impossible and in a case like mine its Permanently, Impossibly, call-it-whatever-you-want-ly Impossible..

A girl wants a boy, a boy wants a girl, beside the physical desires there's a soul hidden in each of them. A boy will find the girl boring after 9 months = "I can't go on anymore honey.. I'm sorry" = finding another pretty girl = Same scenario. Meanwhile the girl finds a boy, testing him up, split the fact of shame and making it so hard just to create the most promised convertation in the history, "Hey, who's that?" , "Oh he's my BOYFRIEND!". And then if the girl goes crazy the relation-ship turns to relation-shit and maybe finds another handsome boy... Thats what you poets call love? I got a better chance being a faggot.

Well for people who i sound boring for them here's the deal:

Boy finds the girl something unusual just because she's hard to get or she's very beautiful, don't read the next thing if you're ashamed of reading the most anticipated blog ever made: Cuz the girl has a thing can make a boy back down in his natural position. Without it the goes mad and turns to Hulk. 

WHILE: Girls finds a boy just a boy, thats for the smart girls (my fav type). But the 99% dominating kind of girls find the boy "OMG he's gorgeous!" and the rest of it stays Secret if she goes crazy as hell. I knew that kind too.

Enough of the love jokes, those are just thoughts. And i'm 16 guys, i never had that much of P but i really know what it's like to be in the middle of a girl-boy war. So again i got a better chance being a fag.

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